Rejoicing in the renewal of springtime, I am always enthralled with the tenacity and resilience of...
Dr Gindi
Slowing Down to Feel the Breeze of Infinity
Acceleration aptly describes the often frantic pace of contemporary life. Deadlines looming, “by...
Rising Up Against Human Depravity
Just as there seemed to be a light beginning to glimmer at the end of the pandemic tunnel, our...
The Winding Way to Finding Our True Selves
In my last two columns, I have reflected on some of the obstacles that hinder our potential and...
Turning the Tables on Fear
Heralding renewal and promise, the new year offers a chance to review and revise, to begin again...
The Unbearable Burden of Shame
The promise of global interconnectedness on the internet often masks a far less alluring...
Flying Into Life: Making the Infinite Tangible
Facing hardship, upheaval, loss, we are often confronted head-on with the starkest aspects of the...
Transcending Death: How art helps us to reimagine human continuity
The pandemic has brought with it a heightened awareness of many social and human issues – racial...